To help renovators keep their total costs low we simply suggest they keep their frames or door jambs if they are in good condition and they don't feel like ripping off moldings and boards. An instant upgrade and increase in the value of a home can be accomplished simply by replacing a hollow core door to a solid wood door!
Bring in your old door
STEP 2. Choose a Door from Dayna's Doors selection
STEP 3 We use your old door as a template and machine hinges and door knob placements to match, you take the new door and we will recycle your old door!
****Some times adjustments may have to be made when home*****
PROBLEMS installing doors
Our house over the years has settled, so even though being the expert at machining and matching up hinges and holes my door did NOT FIT! I had to take a planer to the top of the door and remove about a 1/4 inch off one of the corners so my washroom door would close, and voila a perfect closing door!! Don't be afraid to play with the doors, as we don't know what has been done to the old ones you will need to play around a little bit!!
Keep renovating it's worth every penny!